June 15, 2016

Kilmer, Larsen secure money to reduce jet noise

Noise from U.S. Navy jets such as Growlers and Super Hornets may decline in the Pacific Northwest thanks to investments secured June 15 by U.S. Reps. Derek Kilmer, 6th District, D, and Rick Larsen, 2nd District, D.

Kilmer and Larsen added an amendment to the fiscal year 2017 Department of Defense Appropriations bill for $2 million to help lower engine noise on aircraft used in current military operations.

The investment comes as the Navy is looking to expand its training missions on the Olympic Peninsula for Growler pilots who are preparing to be deployed overseas.

“This investment will help the Navy be a better neighbor,” Kilmer said in a press release. “We all want our service members to be properly trained. By taking an approach grounded in science and supporting new technological breakthroughs, we can ensure that training happens in a way that better protects the soundscape and environment of Olympic National Park and the surrounding communities.”

The amendment prioritizes and expands ongoing Navy research to develop new technology that can reduce the sound of the aircraft, as well as associated hearing loss of naval personnel who work in close proximity to the jets. That technology would also reduce operations and maintenance costs, all without affecting performance.

Source: PT Leader