June 29, 2016

NCAI 2016 mid-year Conference: President Cladoosby announces $3.6 million grant from W.K. Kellogg Foundation

SPOKANE— The opening session of the National Congress of American Indians 2016 Mid Year Conference & Marketplace was kicked off in Spokane, Washington. Its theme is “Changing Climates, Inspiring Hope.” The conference is being attended by some 1,000 tribal leaders and officials.

During this president’s report, NCAI President Brian Cladoosby recounted various court cases that have been won by tribal nations within recent weeks, including the U.S. Supreme Court case won by the Mississippi Band of Choctaw v. Dollar Tree that was announced last Thursday.

President Cladoosby also stressed the importance of the Native vote this coming election. He stated NCAI can assemble a list of both Democrats and Republicans who have worked hard on behalf of American Indian and Alaska Native issues.

At the conclusion of his remark’s, President Cladoosby annonced NCAI has received a $3.6 million grant from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation for “Kids First” project.

Local dignitaries, including Representative Derek Kilmer and Spokane Mayor Ben Stuckart, welcomed NCAI to Spokane.

Congressman Don Young (R – Alaska) addressed the crowd and spoke about how he has worked hard on behalf of Alaska Natives to become self-sufficient.

Carol Evans, chairperson of the Spokane Tribe welcomed conference attendees to the homeland where her tribe has existed for centuries.

By:  Levi Rickert
Source: Native News