January 31, 2018

Rep. Kilmer Critical of Trump’s Approach to Economy

U.S. Rep. Derek Kilmer agrees that economic progress has been made over the past several years but it has not been felt everywhere.

“In my view, the government needs to get focused on creating more economic opportunity for more people in more places,” Kilmer said, a 6th District Democrat from Gig Harbor, responding to President Donald Trump’s “State of the Union” address Tuesday night. “(Tuesday night) the president promised a couple of things that I’ve long supported, such as investing in the nation’s infrastructure and building a skilled workforce.”

Trump called for $1.5 trillion in new infrastructure spending and partnerships with states and the private sector.

Kilmer said that to fulfill his promises, the president will “need to do something he hasn’t adequately done so far – work across the aisle.  I’m going to keep pushing to move our economy – and this government – forward."

Source: iFiber One Radio