
News Releases Group Dates
News Releases Dates
News Releases Titles
December 2023
Investing in the Future of Our Ferries
November 2023
So … What’s Happening with Government Funding?
It’s been one of the great honors of my life to represent our region in Congress.
October 2023
The House Has a Speaker … So, What’s Next?
Finding an Enlightened Path Forward
A Short-Term Funding Fix
September 2023
Government Funding: Getting Down to the Wire
Back to D.C. – Here’s What’s on the Docket
August 2023
A ‘Day In the Life’ During the August District Work Period
It's August Recess ... So, what am I up to?
July 2023
An Update on My Work to Support Our Rural Communities
Updates on Efforts to Create More Economic Opportunities in Our Region
June 2023
My Work to Revitalize Our Economy and Support Our Military
My Work to Protect Our Environment and Fight Back Against Cancer
May 2023
An Update on America’s Fiscal House and Reducing Barriers to Housing That People Can Afford
A Blueprint for Supporting Our Troops
So, what’s the debt ceiling about?
April 2023
An Update on Investing in Our Communities, Protecting Our Environment, and Ensuring Access to Health Care for Our Military
A Day in the Life in D.C. and Updates on Rural Health Care
March 2023
An Update on Rebuilding Local Economies, the 2023 Congressional Arts Competition, and the Return of the “Fix Congress” Committee
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