
News Releases Group Dates
News Releases Dates
News Releases Titles
August 2021
A trip to the Oval Office … and some more wins in Appropriation
July 2021
An Important Proposal to Help Recover Our Economy
Making Progress on Rebuilding Our Infrastructure
June 2021
An Update on Making Congress Work Better, Restoring Puget Sound, and Supporting Working Families!
Helping Our Students Get a Great Education
An Update on Making Progress for Veterans and Their Families, Celebrating & Standing Up for AAPI Communities, Raising Awareness for Mental Health, and more!
May 2021
Pushing for Affordable Housing, Ensuring Older Americans Can Live With Dignity, Supporting Our Coastal Seafood Economy, and More!
Investing in Families and Growing the Middle Class
April 2021
An Update on the Progress We're Making for Families Across the Region
Investing in Infrastructure and Creating Jobs in our Region
March 2021
Providing Economic Relief to Washingtonians - and Don’t Miss My Telephone Town Hall
An Update on Providing Relief to Combat COVID-19 and Making Government Work Better
February 2021
Growing Jobs and Protecting Our Natural Treasures
Working to Deliver the Relief Needed to Combat this Crisis
January 2021
Hitting the Ground Running to Get Our Economy and Our Government Working Better for the American People
Holding the President Accountable
Kicking Off the New Year
December 2020
Finally, Good News on COVID-19 Relief (..and a Telephone Town Hall Tonight!)
Busy Weeks Ahead: An Update on Funding the Government, Supporting Our Troops, and Providing COVID-19 Relief
November 2020
What I'm Thankful For in 2020
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