December 2020 |
Finally, Good News on COVID-19 Relief (..and a Telephone Town Hall Tonight!)
Busy Weeks Ahead: An Update on Funding the Government, Supporting Our Troops, and Providing COVID-19 Relief
November 2020 |
What I'm Thankful For in 2020
How I'm Working for You
October 2020 |
An Update on Bipartisan Collaboration - and My Work to Provide Quality, Affordable Health Care
Supporting Our Local Heroes and Assisting Our Federal Workers
September 2020 |
An Update on Fixing Congress and Investing in Green Economy Jobs
Supporting Our Communities
August 2020 |
Connecting Our Communities
Don't Mess With USPS
We Can't Let Up the Fight for Unemployment Assistance
July 2020 |
Protecting Public Lands, Supporting Our Veterans
Investing in Our Communities
Restoring Puget Sound
Investing in Jobs
June 2020 |
Lowering Health Costs and Prescription Drug Prices
Keeping Connected
Working for You
Building a Better Future
Pursuing Justice & Accountability