
News Releases Group Dates
News Releases Dates
News Releases Titles
November 2020
How I'm Working for You
October 2020
An Update on Bipartisan Collaboration - and My Work to Provide Quality, Affordable Health Care
Supporting Our Local Heroes and Assisting Our Federal Workers
September 2020
An Update on Fixing Congress and Investing in Green Economy Jobs
Supporting Our Communities
August 2020
Connecting Our Communities
Don't Mess With USPS
We Can't Let Up the Fight for Unemployment Assistance
July 2020
Protecting Public Lands, Supporting Our Veterans
Investing in Our Communities
Restoring Puget Sound
Investing in Jobs
June 2020
Lowering Health Costs and Prescription Drug Prices
Keeping Connected
Working for You
Building a Better Future
Pursuing Justice & Accountability
May 2020
Honoring Our Heroes
Supporting Frontline Workers & Families Impacted by Coronavirus
Telephone Town Hall Tonight
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