March 28, 2014

Thinking of Oso

March 28, 2014 space

I want to start by sharing my deepest sympathies with the Snohomish County community - all of those whose lives were lost and who were affected by the mudslide are in my thoughts and prayers, including the brave first responders. Here in Washington State, we take pride in our close-knit communities. So our hearts break when a tragedy of this magnitude hits a place like Oso. My team and I are in close contact with the governor, our senators, and Representatives Suzan DelBene and Rick Larsen. As we watch these events unfold, we will do whatever we can to support their efforts and continue to pray for all our neighbors in Northwest Washington.

Let me provide an update on other issues affecting our region and our country.

Advocating for Campaign Finance Reform 
A big shout out to the nearly 150 folks who made it to Olympic College in Bremerton last week to discuss campaign finance reform and, in particular, the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision. It was great to see such a big turnout to discuss an issue of enormous importance to our democracy. In my view, much of the dysfunction you see in our nation’s capital is the result of a campaign finance system that is broken. Congress ought to take some key steps to ensure that the voices of regular citizens are not drowned out by special interests and deep pockets. In fact, I recently published an op-ed in the Kitsap Sun regarding the need to change big money’s influence on politics. Check out the op-ed by clicking here.



Casework Corner 
Some of the most important work my office does is providing casework assistance to citizens who are grappling with federal agencies. We have a terrific staff of people who work for you – helping citizens who may be struggling to get their VA benefits, to get an expedited passport, or to deal with an issue related to Medicare and Social Security.

I would like share a moving casework story involving an international adoption. Mrs. Salimeh Evjen, from Indianola, contacted my office about her family’s adoption of an orphan girl named Lulu, living in Guangzhou, China. Lulu was born with Biliary Atresia, a rare liver disease causing the liver to quickly deteriorate. Salimeh sought expedited processing of the adoption in order for Lulu to enter the U.S. quickly and receive treatment. I sent a letter to the Department of State and the U.S. Consulate in Guangzhou informing them of the urgency of the situation and Lulu’s story. Thankfully, our office’s advocacy worked. Soon after, Salimeh received the great news that the expedited request was approved. Lulu is now here in the U.S. and doing well with her new family.

If my team and I can help you in dealing with an international adoption or any other issue, please let me know. We are here to help you.

A New Law – The Homeowner Flood Insurance Affordability Act 
I am thankful that the Homeowner Flood Insurance Affordability Act was signed into law on March 21st. While there is still more that ought to be done to address rising flood insurance premiums, the passage of this law was an important step forward for folks in our region. I spoke in support of this bill on the House floor last month: 



At nearly every town hall meeting I have, I am asked “Why isn’t immigration reform moving forward?” In fact, earlier this week, during my fifth telephone town hall, the last question of the night focused on the importance of modernizing our immigration system.

Late last year, the United States Senate passed a comprehensive immigration reform bill with bipartisan support. The House should do the same thing.  The votes are there. We need to work across party lines to get this done. The current immigration system is broken. By improving our system of legal immigration, we can make illegal immigration less attractive. In addition, done right, immigration reform will be good for American jobs, innovation and competitiveness. In fact, the analysis of the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office shows that comprehensive reform will lower deficits by $900 billion.

Earlier this week I joined dozens of my colleagues to try to force a vote on the bipartisan bill, signing something called a “discharge petition.” If a majority of members of the House sign it, the bill will get taken up and we can finally move forward. You, too, can #DemandAVote on immigration reform.  I will continue working to move important issues like this forward.

“Save to Win” Prize-Linked Savings Event 
To encourage better money savings techniques, I will be participating in a prize-linked savings event open to the public next Monday at the Peninsula Credit Union in Belfair. Prize-linked savings accounts are safe, regulated, and innovative products that are designed to encourage saving. These accounts are typical savings products that offer participants the chance to win prizes. The more participants save, the more chances they have to win prizes. And they can’t lose – the worst that can happen is that the person saves money. The goal here is to strengthen a person’s financial safety net and prepare them to meet future financial needs.

I’ve sponsored a bill in Congress to allow more financial institutions across the country to be able to offer this innovative product. I’ll be talking about that bill and the value of savings at 8:00AM, Monday March 31st, at Peninsula Credit Union, 23550 Highway 3, Belfair WA.

(Two More) Service Academy Information Events 
To continue to spread the word about an exciting opportunity to students in our region who are considering a top-tier education with service to our nation in our armed forces, I am holding two more Service Academy Information events in the coming weeks. Service Academy representatives will be in attendance at these events – the first on Saturday, April 5th at 11:00AM at the Lobby and Council Chambers of the Norm Dicks Government Center in Bremerton. The second will be on Wednesday, April 16th at 5:00PM in the Commons area of Montesano High School in Montesano.

And a quick reminder - don’t forget to encourage high school students you know to participate in the House App Design Competition and theCongressional Art Competition.

It’s an Honor to Represent You
Finally, before I wrap up, I want to share a quick happy birthday wish to my grandma (aka “Oma”) who on Monday will turn 104-years-old. She’s an inspiration to me (and I sure hope I have her genes!).

Thanks as always for reading and don’t hesitate to reach out if I or my office can be helpful to you. I’m honored to work for you.

Thank you,
Derek Kilmer