November 10, 2021

Kilmer to Hold Telephone Town Hall

Tacoma, WA – On Wednesday, November 17 at 6:30pm PT, U.S. Representative Derek Kilmer (WA-06) will hold a telephone town hall to provide an update on the federal government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic and to answer questions from constituents. In addition, Rep. Kilmer will discuss the recently passed Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, which aims to create good-paying jobs, modernize the nation’s infrastructure, and reduce carbon pollution - and the ongoing effort to pass the Build Back Better Act, which aims to make transformational investments to reduce costs for working families.

“It’s important for me to hear from as many constituents as possible across our region,” said Rep. Kilmer. “I hope folks will be able to join the town hall to learn more about COVID-19 recovery, my ongoing efforts advance the Build Back Better agenda so we can create jobs and cut costs for working families, and to get your questions answered.”

Press are welcome to join.


Telephone Town Hall – Wednesday, November 17, 2021 at 6:30pm PT

WHO:              Representative Derek Kilmer, Residents of the 6th Congressional District

WHAT:           Telephone Town Hall

WHEN:           Wednesday, November 17, at 6:30pm PT

WHERE:         Residents of the 6th District can sign-up for the telephone town hall or listen live online at Residents who sign-up through will automatically receive a call on November at approximately 6:30pm PT.
