September 04, 2015

Kilmer Statement on Iran Nuclear Agreement

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Representative Derek Kilmer (WA-06) released the following statement after announcing his support for the Iran Nuclear Agreement.

“Deciding whether to support the Joint Plan of Action with Iran has been one of the most challenging decisions I’ve grappled with in my time in public service. I believe this is the most consequential issue on which this Congress will engage. Preventing Iran from developing a nuclear weapon is critical to the security of the United States, its allies, and the entire world.

Over the past months, I’ve spent countless hours with experts from a wide range of fields and visited with the folks I represent to listen to their perspectives.

After many discussions, briefings, and a great deal of reflection I’ve decided to support the agreement for one simple reason: I believe this deal represents our best chance to stop Iran from getting a nuclear weapon.

The United States has a responsibility to play a leading role in global affairs. Sometimes that means negotiating with regimes we don’t like, and sometimes that means accepting that international diplomatic agreements are often less than perfect. 

We created the strongest sanctions regime the world has ever seen by bringing world powers to the table united around the goal of stopping Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. The next step is for the United States to join the nuclear deal with Iran that was agreed to by the international community. Our participation makes it more likely that it is successfully implemented and enforced, and ultimately makes the world a safer, more peaceful place – not just for my own little girls but for people around the world.

Despite its strengths, this is not a perfect deal. It doesn’t guarantee that Iran will permanently abandon its nuclear ambitions, and accepting it doesn’t mean that Iran will stop being a source of instability and hateful rhetoric in the region. But the consequences of rejecting this deal are more uncertain and potentially far more dangerous, leading to the likelihood that Iran could accelerate its nuclear weapons program with no international consensus regarding what to do about it. Moreover, this would put the United States in a weaker position through which to engage our allies to address threats down the road. On balance, this agreement allows us to reduce the threat of nuclear proliferation, not just in Iran, but throughout the region.

Even after this deal is adopted, the United States must remain resolutely committed to the goal of keeping Iran from ever developing a nuclear weapon. We must maintain our vital partnership with Israel, provide all our regional allies the support they need to counter terrorism and instability, and never waiver from confronting the Iranian regime if it threatens to harm the United States or its allies. Going forward, our obligation is to vigorously enforce the deal, ensure inspections are being carried out, and not be afraid to take action if Iran is caught violating the terms of the agreement.”
