July 23, 2014

Kilmer Backs Increased Investments for Israel’s Iron Dome

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Representative Derek Kilmer (WA-06), a member of the House Armed Services Committee, announced he backs a request from Israel to boost investments by $225 million for its Iron Dome missile defense system. The proposal came to Congress in a letter from Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel and is supported by the Department of Defense.  

“Iron Dome has allowed Israel to defend its citizens from the scourge of Hamas rocket attacks,” said Kilmer. “We must fully support this system to ensure that Israel can better keep innocent civilians safe from harm – now and in the future. I plan on working with my colleagues on the committee and both houses to approve the Administration’s request. Iron Dome has saved countless lives, and reduced somewhat the daily terror those living with missile attacks are facing. By maintaining a strong defense system in Israel we can focus with our partners in the Middle East on bringing an end to the current conflict and work toward a more peaceful future.” 
