May 13, 2022

Kilmer Receives “A” Rating from Leading Organization Focused on Getting Big Money Out of Politics & Protecting the Right to Vote

Kilmer Recognized as Champion on Campaign Finance Reform and Restoring Accountability

Washington, DC – U.S. Representative Derek Kilmer (WA-06) received an “A” rating on the 2022 legislative scorecard released this week by End Citizens United // Let America Vote Action Fund. The scorecard tracks Members’ support for legislation to reduce the role of big money and special interests in politics, restore ethics in Washington, and protect and expand the right to vote.

“There’s too much money, too many special interests, and too little accountability in our government,” said Rep. Kilmer. “That’s why – since day one as our region’s representative – I’ve been working to reduce the role of money in politics, to fix the broken political system, and get Congress back on track. I’m proud that my work is being recognized by the nation’s leading organization working to ensure a federal government that works for the people – not for special interests. I’ll keep working to make government work better for the folks I represent.”

“For too long, dark money has flooded and overwhelmed our political system. Billionaire and corporate backed groups have pushed policies that favor their wealthy donors at the expense of hard-working Americans. That’s why we are so grateful for Representative Kilmer, who’s stood up to the rich and powerful dark money groups that have too much influence in Washington, and why we gave him an A on our 2022 scorecard,” said End Citizens United // Let America Vote Action Fund President Tiffany Muller.

According to the End Citizens United // Let America Vote Action Fund, Rep. Kilmer received an “A” grade based on his support for legislation to end the dominance of big money in politics, safeguard American elections from foreign interference, and protect and expand the right to vote.

Criteria on the scorecard included co-sponsorship and a vote in favor of H.R. 1, the For the People Act - a sweeping package of reform bills aimed at strengthening the voice of the American people in their democracy by making it easier to vote, reducing the role of special interests in the political process, and ensuring public officials work for the public interest. This comprehensive reform package, which Rep. Kilmer co-sponsored, included two bipartisan bills he introduced - The Honest Ads Act and the Resorting Integrity to America’s Election Act - which aim to increase transparency in our campaign finance and election laws.

In 2019, Rep. Kilmer was awarded the inaugural “Teddy Roosevelt Courage Award” for his work to fix the broken political system and reduce the role of money in politics by Issue One, a leading cross-partisan political reform organization. In receiving the award, Kilmer was recognized for his leadership in chairing the Select Committee on the Modernization of Congress, a committee tasked with identifying reforms to Congress more responsive to the needs of the American people. In addition, Issue One highlighted Kilmer’s leadership on campaign finance reform and working to reduce the role of money in politics.
