July 01, 2021

Kilmer Secures Funding for Kitsap Infrastructure Priority as Part of the INVEST in America Act

Kilmer Led Effort to Secure Infrastructure Investment for Kitsap County

Washington, DC – Today, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the INVEST in America Act, a comprehensive infrastructure package that aims to make transformational investments in highways, roads, bridges, transit, rail, and water infrastructure. Consistent with President Biden’s American Jobs Plan, the legislation seeks to create good-paying jobs, modernize the nation’s infrastructure, and reduce carbon pollution.

The legislation also included funding for an initiative led by U.S. Representative Derek Kilmer (WA-06) to provide critical funding to the Washington State Department of Transportation to complete steps needed to move forward with fixes to the Gorst Corridor.

“Investing in infrastructure can put people to work now and lay the foundation for jobs and economic opportunity over the long haul,” said Rep. Kilmer. “That’s why the action today is a big deal. Importantly, today’s legislation includes funding to make progress toward fixing the Gorst Corridor – which is a critical link in our region's transportation system. Moving this project forward will relieve traffic congestion, improve safety, provide resiliency from sea level rise and seismic events, and support the Navy’s presence in Kitsap County. I’ll keep working to create good-paying jobs and make smart investments for our community and our region.”

“I want to thank Congressman Derek Kilmer for his support of the INVEST in America Act, which includes crucial funding for a study to fix the Gorst corridor and is the highest transportation priority in our region,” said City of Bremerton Mayor Greg Wheeler. “The study is the first step to addressing the problems in Gorst and enables vital partnerships at the federal, state and regional level.”

“The Gorst project solves a decades-long transportation concern. A resolution is critical for the safety and mobility of Kitsap's residents, as well as for our regional economy and the national security of this country,” said Kitsap County Commissioner Charlotte Garrido.

The INVEST in America Act included $8,000,000 for the Washington State Department of Transportation’s effort to proceed with initial steps for pre-design and engineering of the Gorst corridor redevelopment project. That includes examining the resiliency, mobility, and equity issues in the Gorst area as the State explores how the widening of state highway 3 will impact congestion, safety, and environmental concerns for a critical freight corridor that serves national security needs.