January 13, 2015

Kilmer Selected to Fill Seat on House Appropriations Committee

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Representatives Derek Kilmer (D-WA) was tapped by his Democratic colleagues to fill a seat on the House Appropriations Committee for the 114th Congress. 

The Appropriations Committee is one of only four “exclusive” committees in the House – the other three being Ways and Means, Energy and Commerce, and Financial Services.  The committee is responsible for discretionary spending on government agencies and programs. Each year the committee is tasked with producing 12 annual appropriations bills. The Constitution stipulates that Congress, through the House and Senate Appropriations Committee, oversees federal spending.  The committee was Kilmer’s top committee request. 

“It will be an honor to serve my region and the nation as a member of this important committee,” said Kilmer. “I will fight to ensure that we fund a government that keeps our country a step ahead of our competitors. Serving on this committee will enable me to have more impact for my region – whether making investments that enable communities to compete economically, to protect our natural resources like Puget Sound, or to support those who currently serve or previously served our nation in a military uniform.”

After being reelected to a second term in November, this will be Kilmer’s first stint on the highly sought after Appropriations Committee. Since Representative Norm Dicks retired in 2012, the Appropriations Committee has not had a Democratic member from the Pacific Northwest.

Given the broad array of policies that fall under the committee’s jurisdiction, members who serve on an exclusive committee are generally not permitted to serve on other House committees.  Consequently, in order to accept this high-profile appointment, Kilmer will give up his seat on the committees on which he served during his first term – the House Armed Services Committee and the Science, Space, and Technology Committee.

“I’m proud of what we accomplished during my first term,” Kilmer continued. “I intend to continue the work I started on my former committees in areas like investing in research and development, growing a STEM workforce, furthering our cyber capabilities, and improving the Pentagon’s acquisition workforce to better serve federal workers and small businesses alike.”

“I’d like to thank my colleagues for selecting me to serve on this key committee. I look forward to working with Chairman Hal Rogers, Ranking Member Nita Lowey, and the rest of the committee to focus on creating quality jobs and moving our economy forward. I’m also grateful to my colleagues on the House Armed Services Committee and the Science, Space, and Technology Committee for all that we were able to accomplish during the 113th Congress.”  

“This is a huge deal for our region,” said former Representative Norm Dicks. “Having spent my congressional career on this committee, I can tell you it's a critical place to get things done.  Derek will do us proud.”
