September 17, 2014

Kilmer Statement on Amendment to Train Moderate Syrian Rebels

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Representative Derek Kilmer (WA-06) released the following statement after voting to approve an amendment to grant President Obama limited authority to equip and train moderate Syrian rebels fighting the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). The amendment was part of a Continuing Resolution that will continue government operations into November.  

“Whether it’s by threatening the stability of the Iraqi government, genocidal action against religious minorities, or the murder of American journalists, it is clear that ISIL terrorists represent a direct threat to the region and a growing threat to the United States. In a matter of months ISIL has more than tripled in size, has captured thousands of square miles of territory that can serve as a safe-haven for conducting terrorist activities, and captured dangerous military equipment from Iraqi forces. I do not believe that we can do nothing while ISIL continues to grow in power. That’s why I voted in support of giving the President limited, short-term authorization to provide training and equipment to moderate, vetted Syrian rebel forces.

“I have some concerns about how things will proceed from here, and as has been said by many observers, this may be the best of a bad set of options. That’s why I’m pleased this proposal was limited in scope and subject to additional Congressional oversight. I’m also pleased that this action is being taken as part of an international effort to counter this threat, and is taken with the recognition that what is ultimately required in both Syria and Iraq are political solutions. 

“Importantly, this authorization does not provide Congressional approval for military action in Syria. After over a decade of war, I do not believe our nation should be engaged in a ground combat mission overseas. One of the reasons I have supported revoking the Authorization of Use of Military Force passed in response to the September 11th, 2001 terrorist attacks is because I believe we need a more narrowly tailored authorization that puts strict limits on how our military forces should be used to counter terrorism in the Middle East and elsewhere around the globe.”

The President’s plan to degrade and ultimately destroy ISIL, as outlined:

  • Build an international coalition based on diplomatic and military cooperation to empower partners in their fight against terrorist threats.


  • Support the Syrian moderate opposition with training and equipment funded through the Counterterrorism Partnership Fund.


  • Provide humanitarian assistance to innocent civilians and support to the development and strengthening of civil government.

The amendment to the Continuing Resolution (H.J.Res. 124) authorizes the Secretary of Defense to train and equip appropriately vetted elements of the Syrian opposition. Additionally, the amendment would strengthen congressional oversight by requiring detailed reports, including progress reports, on the plan, vetting process, and procedures for monitoring unauthorized end-use of provided training and equipment. It does not authorize additional funds.
