September 20, 2013

Kilmer Statement on Continuing Resolution Vote and Government Shutdown

Representative Derek Kilmer released the following statement after voting against H.J. Res 59, the Continuing Appropriations Resolution, 2014.  This Continuing Resolution is not expected to be considered in the Senate.Earlier today, Representative Kilmer spoke on the House floor to urge his colleagues to avoid a government shutdown.

“As someone who spent the last ten years working in economic development I know that the main things employers want from government are trust and predictability.  And now, between sequestration and a potential government shutdown, Congress is on the cusp of fracturing both,” said Representative Derek Kilmer.  “It’s time to get Congress out of neutral. We need to get to work to solve our nation’s problems, not make them worse. Instead of partisan Continuing Resolutions that won’t go anywhere, Congress must pass reasonable legislation as quickly as possible to avoid a government shutdown so that we can craft the balanced, bipartisan budget that the American people deserve.”