October 01, 2014

Kilmer Statement on One-Year Anniversary of Government Shutdown

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Representative Derek Kilmer (WA-06) released the following statement on the one-year anniversary of the government shutdown. According to the private ratings firm Standard and Poor’s the 16-day shutdown cost the United States economy $24 billion.

“The unnecessary government shutdown last year hurt families and workers in our region,” said Kilmer. “Our economy suffered when shipyard workers and park rangers went without pay. I didn’t think it was right to collect a paycheck while workers in our area didn't. That’s why I returned my salary during the shutdown and why I’m fighting to pass a law that says if Congress doesn’t pass a budget members of Congress shouldn’t get paid.”

During the shutdown two-thirds of the employees of the Centers for Disease Control, who protect public health, were furloughed. Job-creating transportation and energy projects were delayed; federal loans to small businesses were put on hold; private sector lending to small businesses was also disrupted because lenders could not access income verification services; tourism was disrupted at national parks across the country, hurting local economies.

On the first day of the shutdown on October 1, 2013, Kilmer publicly spoke out against it and gave up his pay for the duration of the shutdown. Kilmer also voted to approve a bill passed on a bipartisan basis that ensured all federal employees received back pay once the federal government re-opened.
