July 25, 2014

Kilmer Urges Senate Majority Leader Reid & House Speaker Boehner to Forego August Recess until Compromise is Reached on Critical Veterans’ Healthcare Bill

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Representative Derek Kilmer (WA-06) joined many of his colleagues in calling on Congress to stay in session, and forego the August district work period, until the passage of compromise legislation to help our nation’s veterans get access to the timely and quality healthcare they have earned and deserve. Both the House and Senate passed bills to address the crisis within the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and have been in negotiations for over five weeks while veterans wait for a solution.  

“The health of the veterans who have served us so bravely should not be placed on the back burner while Congress is away during the August district work period,” the 116 Members of Congress wrote in their letter which was authored by Rep. Cheri Bustos (IL-17). “Our veterans have served the nation with honor, and we owe it to them to waste no more time in ensuring they have access to the best health care possible.  In light of recent serious complications and allegations of wrong-doing within the VA, in addition to validated long wait times at VA medical facilities, it is extremely urgent that a fix be put into place as soon as possible.”

In June, both the Senate and House passed similar, but not identical, legislation that would expand veterans’ ability to seek care at non-VA facilities under certain conditions, strengthen Congress’ oversight of the VA and eliminate performance-related bonuses for VA employees.  The Senate and House bills have been before a Conference Committee since, but a final compromise bill has yet to be worked out.     

A copy of the Kilmer-signed letter and full list of co-signers are below and HERE

July 25, 2014

Dear Majority Leader Reid and Speaker Boehner,

We, the undersigned Members of Congress, urge you to not let the U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives go out of session prior to a successful resolution to the Conference Committee that was formed to work out a compromise between the Senate and House versions of the Veterans’ Access to Care Act, and its subsequent passage in both chambers of Congress.

The health of the veterans who have served us so bravely should not be placed on the back burner while Congress is away during the August district work period. Our veterans have served the nation with honor, and we owe it to them to waste no more time in ensuring they have access to the best health care possible. In light of  recent serious complications and allegations of wrong-doing within the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), in addition to validated long wait times at VA medical facilities, it is extremely urgent that a fix be put into place as soon as possible.

Both the Senate and House versions would expand veterans’ ability to seek care at non-VA facilities under certain conditions, strengthen Congress’ oversight of the VA and eliminate performance-related bonuses for VA employees. We need to address the overwhelmed VA and ensure all veterans get the care they have earned through their service to our country. Our veterans deserve nothing but the very best.

Again, this issue is far too serious to wait, and we encourage a swift resolution to be found by remaining in session until a suitable compromise bill can be passed out of both chambers. Let’s put our nations’ veterans, who have sacrificed so much for our freedoms, first.

