March 06, 2023

Serving You, Lowering Prescription Drug Costs for Seniors, and Standing with Ukraine

Hello Folks –

As we move into the month of March (and kick off March Madness), I’ve had a busy few weeks across our region. So, let’s dive right in!

Serving You

I work for the people I represent, and it’s important that I get opportunities to hear directly from you. To the folks who attended my recent town hall meetings in Shelton and Tacoma, I appreciated the opportunity to give you an update on my work and to answer some of your questions. We talked about my efforts to strengthen our economy, make Congress work better, and how I’m working to protect Social Security and Medicare.


If you didn’t get the chance to attend one of my recent town halls, you can still share a concern or an idea, or ask a question by contacting my office. I want to hear from you. I’m committed to getting back to you, to helping you as best I can, and to getting results for the folks I represent.

Speaking of getting results…  When folks have an issue with a federal agency, my dedicated and experienced casework team is here to help. We’ve helped veterans get the benefits they’ve earned, families get their tax returns from the IRS, seniors get their Social Security benefits, and small businesses cut through red tape and access pandemic relief. My team and I are focused on making sure government works for you.

This year, my staff has already saved 590 constituents a total of more than $3.8 million. And it’s only March!


On a related note, I want to ensure that your federal government invests in the policies and programs that help our communities, state, and nation move forward. That’s why it’s important I hear directly from you about what our federal budget should prioritize.

  • Programmatic requests are due March 10
  • Community Project Funding requests are due March 10

For more information on how to submit programmatic and Community Project Funding requests, please visit my website.

Lowering Prescription Drug Costs for Seniors

I recently joined AARP Washington for a telephone town hall to discuss the Inflation Reduction Act, a relatively new law that will significantly lower prescription drug costs for seniors across the country.


It's no secret that these last few years have been really challenging times for our country and for our community. I’ve heard countless heartbreaking stories from folks across our region who have struggled to fill their prescriptions. I will never forget speaking to an elderly woman in Gig Harbor who told me that she was battling cancer, but that the costs of her drugs were so high, she was cutting her pills in half with a razor blade. She said, “I’m going to die from this, and I’m just trying to make ends meet until that day comes.” It was a painful conversation – and one that has stuck with me.

Sadly, I’ve had far too many conversations like that – of people having to choose between food and medicine, people skipping doses, or people having to cut their pills. Treatment costs should never present a barrier to someone’s health or quality of life. We have an obligation to address these issues and ensure that all Americans can access the medicine they need.

That’s why I’m proud that Congress passed – and President Biden signed into law – the Inflation Reduction Act, which will help millions of seniors by reducing prescription drug costs and lowering the cost of health insurance.


Some of the reforms in this new law have already taken effect.

  • Beginning January 1 this year, seniors on Medicare pay no more than $35 per month for insulin;
  • Adult vaccines are also now available to seniors free of cost;
  • In 2025, out-of-pocket spending on drugs will be capped at $2,000 per year. Right now, there’s no limit, which is especially difficult for folks on fixed incomes and for folks who rely on costly medications;
  • Starting in 2026, for the first time ever, the federal government will be allowed to negotiate what Medicare pays for certain prescription drugs.

I know just how important it is to seniors that Congress protects the benefits that they have earned. That’s why passing a law reducing drug prices for seniors last year was so important. It’s about real families and putting real dollars back into pockets.

And getting this done was in large part thanks to all the folks who contacted me. My office received thousands of calls and emails asking us to pass the new prescription drug law. Your voices matter.

I’ll continue the fight to ensure that every American has affordable health care.

Standing with Ukraine: One Year Later

As you may know, the first anniversary of Putin’s invasion of Ukraine recently passed. This act of aggression was not only illegal but a reckless breach of global peace. At the time of the invasion, Congress passed a bipartisan resolution making it clear that we stand “steadfastly, staunchly, proudly, and fervently behind the Ukrainian people in their fight against the authoritarian Putin regime,” and that we “will never recognize or support any illegitimate Russian-controlled leader or government installed through the use of force.”

What’s more, the U.S., in coordination with our international allies, imposed harsh sanctions on Russia that inhibited its ability to participate in the global economy and isolated it from the world. In the time since, the U.S. has provided humanitarian, economic, and military assistance to Europe’s youngest democracy. With the realities of a longer, more drawn-out conflict becoming apparent, it remains important that America does what it can do to support Ukraine and impose severe costs on Russia.


It has long been an American value that we respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of our allies. Our country supports the notion that sovereign states should be able to choose their own destinies, without the threat of invasion – and that includes Ukraine. That’s why I have supported measures to ensure the Ukrainian people have the resources they need to defend themselves from the assault they have faced for more than a year.

I will continue to support efforts to hold the Russian government accountable and to prevent further violence.

Working for You


Investing in Small Businesses
In Washington state, small businesses are the backbone of our local economies. Thanks to business owners from across our region who joined the U.S. Small Business Administration and me to learn more about how the SBA can help owners start, grow, and expand their local businesses.


Celebrating the Lunar New Year
People of Samoan heritage are an important part of the beauty of our region. It was great to be a part of the annual Asia Pacific Cultural Center’s New Year’s Celebration in Tacoma!


Supporting Our Military
If you serve our country, Congress should have your back. I recently met with General Brunson and other service members at Joint Base Lewis McChord. Together, we discussed how my staff and I can support the extraordinary men and women who serve and work there.


Connecting Communities in Tacoma
Tacoma Community House, a community-based service center for immigrants, refugees, and others, turns 113 years old this year. During my recent visit, I asked a group of Ukrainian refugees a question: “what’s your dream?” Their answers were inspiring, impactful, and hopeful. The visit was another terrific reminder of how lucky we are to live in America.

OK – that’s it for now, folks. As always, I’m honored to represent you.


Derek Kilmer