August 08, 2022

Two Big Wins to Help Our Economy and Our Veterans

Hello Folks –

Summer is here and we are finally seeing some sunshine in the Pacific Northwest. For much of this month, you’ll see me running from pillar to post around our region – visiting with constituents, touring economic development projects, and working to be accountable and available to you!

A main area of focus for me is on reducing costs for the folks I represent. We know that our country – and nearly every developed country – is grappling with inflation. I’m pleased to report that, over the last few weeks, Congress has come together around a deal to help reduce inflation for folks in our region. The bill, called the Inflation Reduction Act, is a big deal!

It would lower the costs of prescription drugs by allowing Medicare to negotiate lower prices, and lower health insurance costs for 13 million Americans by an average of $800 per year. This bill will help our nation tackle the climate crisis and lower energy costs for consumers – providing tax credits and investments for energy projects and creating thousands of new jobs in the green energy sector. And, it’s paid for by requiring big corporations to pay their fair share of taxes, with no tax increases for families making under $400,000 a year. Importantly, economists have said that the legislation will reduce the deficit and cut inflation. 

Now that the bill has passed the Senate, I’m looking forward to supporting this inflation-cutting proposal in the House later this week!


OK – on to more news!

Investing in American Manufacturing

As many readers of this newsletter know, before running for Congress, I worked for over ten years professionally in economic development, working to keep and grow jobs in our region. When I worked in that role, I had a sign on my wall that said: “We’re competing with everyone, everywhere, every day, forever.” I admit that I often found that sign a bit intimidating. But it’s an important ethic – not just for folks working in local economic development but for our country too. In fact, that’s why that motto now hangs in my office in DC!

The reality is that the nations with whom we compete aren’t sitting on the sidelines – they want to eat our lunch. And we shouldn’t let them. There’s a reason that, going all the way back to America’s response to Sputnik; our nation recognized that our future, from an economic standpoint and a national security standpoint, depends on investments in science and research, as well as innovating and creating cutting-edge technologies.

We need to make things in America – not someplace else. We need jobs to be created in America – not someplace else. We need to raise our game to compete with China and other nations.  

That’s why, last week, I was proud to vote in support of the CHIPS and Science Act of 2022 – a bipartisan legislative package that aims to build jobs and economic opportunity in America, reduce inflation and lower costs for families, and strengthen American competitiveness. The package makes transformational new investments in research, innovation, and American manufacturing by accelerating U.S. production of critical semiconductor chips, strengthening supply chains, making more goods in America, investing in research capacity to lead the technologies of the future, and advancing America’s competitiveness.

Importantly, the CHIPS Act includes provisions to encourage semiconductor/chip fabrication here in America. Why does that matter? Well, a lot of the products that we purchase – including automobiles, computers, and appliances – use chips. And although our nation invented the microchip, the United States now produces just 10 percent of them. When there are global shortages and – as we’ve seen from the pandemic – supply chain disruptions, we are less able to manufacture things like automobiles.

In fact, on Friday in Tacoma, I met with a local manufacturer that supplies custom equipment to automotive, aerospace, paper, and building products industries that have been directly impacted by the shortage of semiconductors. Fixing this issue is a big deal for domestic manufacturing, a big deal for ending our dependence on other countries, and a big deal for our local workforce and manufacturers like Globe Machine Manufacturing!


This bill also recognizes that America can’t be competitive if it leaves communities behind. I’m excited to report that the CHIPS and Science Act includes a pilot version of the RECOMPETE Act, bipartisan legislation I introduced to empower communities that have faced persistent economic challenges to develop, implement, and carry out economic development strategies and create jobs over the long-term. That way, people can have economic opportunity regardless of what zip code they live in.

I’m excited that President Biden will sign this bill into law tomorrow!


Ensuring Our Veterans Get the Benefits & Care They Deserve

In my view, if you serve this country, we should have your back. That means veterans should get the care and benefits that they need – and have earned.

Unfortunately, during their time in service, many members of our military were exposed to harmful toxins. This exposure has led to serious, long-term health problems for affected veterans and their families. Too often, ill veterans face denials when they pursue the benefits and care they have earned – leaving them with disability and medical bills. That’s unfair. I’ve had heartbreaking conversations with countless veterans in our region who have faced serious illness because of toxic exposure – and the added insult of not getting the help they need. Our country can do better.

To address this problem, I cosponsored the Honoring Our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics (PACT) Act,  This legislation will create a “presumption of service connection” for illnesses resulting from toxic exposure to airborne toxins, burn pits, radiation, and Agent Orange. This will require the Veterans Administration to cover healthcare and disability benefits for veterans who were exposed to these hazards during their service and developed a toxin exposure related illness.

I’m excited that, like the CHIPS and Science Act, this bill has passed the House and the Senate with bipartisan support and will be signed into law by President Biden this week!

Moving forward, I’m committed to working with my colleagues to protect the health and safety of all servicemembers and ensure that veterans have access to the high-quality healthcare they deserve. Our nation is stronger and our world is safer because of the service of the men and women in the armed forces. Our nation must – and I will – do everything we can to ensure those who serve are valued and cared for now and in the future.


Working for You

Building Community

I had a great time at the annual National Night Out in Tacoma – a terrific event to build relationships between neighbors and local law enforcement, while fostering a true sense of community.


Celebrating Equality

The Kilmer family was thrilled to join the greater Kitsap community in celebrating Kitsap Pride. A big shout out to Michael Goodnow and the Kitsap Pride Network for organizing a terrific event!


Supporting Small Businesses

Over the last few weeks, I’ve met with dozens of local small businesses throughout our region. For example, I had an awesome discussion with the hardworking team at Infoblox in Tacoma! They're doing critical work to help local, regional, and national companies defend against cyber threats.


OK – that’s it for now folks. As always, I’m honored to represent you.

