September 01, 2016

Human Rights Campaign – Washington State New Democrat Delegation Joins Roundtable with LGBTQ Advocates

Last week, HRC was honored to join the New Democrat Coalition for a roundtable discussion about LGBTQ policy issues. Staff and board volunteers from Equal Rights Washington, Greater Seattle Business Association and Lambda Legal joined HRC for a discussion on legislative priorities with Washington state’s New Democrat congressional delegation. HRC Washington's Steering Committee Political Co-Chair Roger Nyhus hosted the event.

During the roundtable, we discussed issues and legislation that the elected officials will face in Washington, D.C., during the 114th Congress, which begins in January, including the Equality Act and defeating the discriminatory First Amendment Defense Act (FADA). The elected officials were also very interested in learning about issues transgender Americans face and messaging strategies focused on equality for the LGBTQ community.

HRC thanks Washington state’s pro-equality congressional delegation (U.S. Representatives Derek Kilmer, Suzan DelBene, Denny Heck, Rick Larsen and Adam Smith, along with New Democrat Chair U.S. Rep. Ron Kind, who is from Wisconsin) for joining the discussion.

By:  Hope Wisnecki
Source: Human Rights Campaign