
October 30, 2023

The House Has a Speaker … So, What’s Next?

Hello Folks -The Halloween season is finally upon us! Whether you find yourself out trick-or-treating with the kiddos, dressed as your favorite Star Wars character (Han Solo, obviously), or carving pumpkins while enjoying one, two, or too many candy bars, I hope this newsletter finds you well. I’ve got a whole lot to cover on what’s been going on in the House, including a new speaker.But before we dive in, I want to address the mass shooting that took place in Lewiston, Maine, last week. No … Continue Reading

October 16, 2023

Finding an Enlightened Path Forward

Hello Folks -The events of the past weekend in Israel have left us all reeling. My heart goes out to the families affected, the communities in mourning, and a nation grappling with yet another episode of profound tragedy.There’s much to discuss and reflect upon this week. So, let’s get into the news.Standing Firmly with IsraelThe unprovoked attacks by Hamas terrorists are stark reminders of the grave threats Israelis face every day. The slaughter of those in Israel - the murder of innocent … Continue Reading

October 02, 2023

A Short-Term Funding Fix

Hello Folks -Folks who read this newsletter regularly know that I love sports. I’m bummed the Mariners are on the outside looking in at the MLB playoffs. But football in our state this year is off to a strong start with the Huskies and Cougars looking great. And I’m hoping the Seahawks take it to the Giants tonight on Monday Night Football.I’ve even started getting into soccer (admittedly, Ted Lasso helped). I played soccer as a little kid (our team was “The Maroon Monsters”), and I think it’s … Continue Reading

September 18, 2023

Government Funding: Getting Down to the Wire

Hello Folks -I’m back in Washington, D.C., and there’s a lot to cover. Let’s jump right into the news.Government Funding: Getting Down to the WireFor those who have been following things in D.C., you’ll know that the government funding process has been no simple matter. This past week, things took another turn in the House, and I want to make sure you’re informed about the moving parts.Unfortunately, the House seems to be moving toward a shutdown of the government. As I shared in my last … Continue Reading

September 05, 2023

Back to D.C. – Here’s What’s on the Docket

Hello Folks -I hope you all had a terrific Labor Day weekend. It’s hard to believe that September is already in full swing, though I’m looking forward to football season and watching the Mariners make a run at the playoffs for the second straight year!In just a week or so, I’ll return to D.C. to continue work on next year’s federal budget and other matters about which you might want to hear. So, on to the news!Preventing a Government Shutdown: A Matter of Responsible ChoicesFor the next few … Continue Reading

August 21, 2023

A ‘Day In the Life’ During the August District Work Period

Hello Folks -I hope this finds you well. It’s hard to believe August is nearly over. The Mariners are in the thick of the wildcard race. Football season is about to kick off. Kids are about to head back to school. And it’s been an astonishingly busy few weeks here in our neck of the woods. There’s a lot to cover, so let’s dive right in!Showing UpAs many of you know, Congress holds a district work period each August to enable Members of Congress to spend time visiting with the folks they … Continue Reading

August 07, 2023

It's August Recess ... So, what am I up to?

Hello Folks -Congress is currently on “August recess,” but if you saw my schedule, you’d get a strong sense that “recess” is the wrong word for it. In fact, this week I’ll visit all six counties in the district I represent, meeting with folks and learning about issues that matter to you. There’s a lot to chat about, so let’s hop right into the news.Investing in Our TribesRepresenting 12 Tribes across our region, I understand how crucial it is for Tribal nations to find new ways to boost their … Continue Reading

July 24, 2023

An Update on My Work to Support Our Rural Communities

Hello Folks -There’s one more week in D.C. until the August district work period.  The current forecast for Friday is 101 degrees, so I’m definitely looking forward to getting to spend time in our Washington - the better Washington!  I’m gearing up for a whirlwind of traveling from pillar to post around our region through the month of August.There’s a lot to cover this week, so let’s jump right into the news.Recognizing and Honoring Our VeteransFirst off, if you follow me on Facebook or listen … Continue Reading

July 10, 2023

Updates on Efforts to Create More Economic Opportunities in Our Region

Hello Folks –I hope you all enjoyed the Fourth of July holiday last week! I attended a pancake breakfast, three parades, and a fireworks show (which I got to view from the deck of the USS Momsen). It was a full day – but a lot of fun! As summer gets into the swing of things, it’s full steam ahead for me. There’s a lot to cover so let’s jump right in.An Update on a New Program to Help CommunitiesHaving grown up on the Olympic Peninsula, I saw some of the challenges … Continue Reading

June 26, 2023

My Work to Revitalize Our Economy and Support Our Military

Hello Folks -It’s officially summer! As we close out June, I’m getting charged up for the Fourth of July. I’ll be serving pancakes in Kingston, walking in a few parades, and then hopefully watching the fireworks. Here’s hoping you all have a safe and festive holiday.Now … on to the news!Governing is About ChoicesSince my first day on the job, I’ve been focused on trying to make choices that make things better for folks across our region. In fact, if there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that … Continue Reading

June 12, 2023

My Work to Protect Our Environment and Fight Back Against Cancer

Hello Folks -Over the last few weeks, we’ve heard a lot about the nation’s debt ceiling and the Bipartisan Budget Agreement that resolved the crisis.It’s not a perfect deal. But overall, the bipartisan agreement helped our country avoid economic catastrophe - and protected critical services like Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, veterans’ benefits, health care, and funding for education.  Last week, I spoke with Joe Kernen of CNBC’s morning program, “Squawk Box,” to discuss the Bipartisan … Continue Reading

May 30, 2023

An Update on America’s Fiscal House and Reducing Barriers to Housing That People Can Afford

Hello Folks -Yesterday, on Memorial Day, we paused to honor and remember brave Americans who gave their lives in service to our nation. The day wasn’t about cookouts or appliance sales - it was about recognizing and honoring the sacrifices of more than a million Americans who have died in military service since the Civil War. I was grateful to join folks at Ivy Green Cemetery to remember and appreciate all those from our community who died in service to our country. Their sacrifices should … Continue Reading

May 15, 2023

A Blueprint for Supporting Our Troops

Hello Folks –I hate to start my newsletter with tough news, but our region suffered a difficult blow last week when the Hurricane Ridge Lodge was destroyed in a fire. Having grown up in Port Angeles, I have countless memories from my time on the Ridge, and – like many people in our region – I understand its significance to our economy.I’ve had a lot of people ask me: “So what happens now?”Well, first, it’s important to note that Olympic National Park … Continue Reading

May 03, 2023

So, what’s the debt ceiling about?

Hello Folks –May has arrived. The Seahawks drafted some great new players. The Kraken won their first playoff series ever. And we finally broke 70 degrees. On top of that, it’s been quite a busy few weeks with plenty of news to share, so let's get right to it!America’s Fiscal HouseRecently, there’s been significant press attention surrounding the nation’s debt ceiling (also known as the debt limit). In January of this year, the federal government reached its debt … Continue Reading

April 17, 2023

An Update on Investing in Our Communities, Protecting Our Environment, and Ensuring Access to Health Care for Our Military

Hello Folks –This week we’re certainly feeling the April showers... Here’s hoping that there are warmer days ahead (and more wins by our Mariners!).Let's dive into what's been happening these past few weeks.Investing in Community SafetyFolks in local law enforcement have tough jobs, and it’s important that they have the training and resources that they require to keep us safe.As your representative, I've been working to support the important work they do by providing … Continue Reading

April 03, 2023

A Day in the Life in D.C. and Updates on Rural Health Care

Hello Folks –I hope this finds you I hope this finds you well. It’s been a busy few weeks – so let’s dive right in!OK – on to the news.Showing Up in D.C.Members of Congress spend a lot of time running from pillar to post across their districts, meeting with folks to hear their concerns and answer their questions. But what about when we’re in D.C.? I’m frequently asked, “what does the average day look like for you?”So, I thought I’d … Continue Reading

March 20, 2023

An Update on Rebuilding Local Economies, the 2023 Congressional Arts Competition, and the Return of the “Fix Congress” Committee

Hello Folks –I hope this finds you well as we press onwards into March Madness (Go Zags!) and warmer, sunnier weather! It’s been a busy few weeks in DC and across our region – so let’s jump right in!Rebuilding Local EconomiesAs many readers of this newsletter know, I grew up on the Olympic Peninsula in the district I now have the honor of representing. I was in high school when the timber industry took it on the chin, and I saw a lot of my friends’ parents … Continue Reading

March 06, 2023

Serving You, Lowering Prescription Drug Costs for Seniors, and Standing with Ukraine

Hello Folks –As we move into the month of March (and kick off March Madness), I’ve had a busy few weeks across our region. So, let’s dive right in!Serving YouI work for the people I represent, and it’s important that I get opportunities to hear directly from you. To the folks who attended my recent town hall meetings in Shelton and Tacoma, I appreciated the opportunity to give you an update on my work and to answer some of your questions. We talked about my efforts to … Continue Reading

February 20, 2023

In-Person Town Hall Meetings Happening This Week

Hello Folks –Happy President’s Day! February is well underway, and I’m knee-deep in a two-week district work period, meeting with folks from across our region to hear their concerns and answer their questions. This time of the year is always jam-packed with town halls, constituent meetings, local business visits, and more. I pride myself on keeping busy on behalf of the folks I represent. With that, let’s jump into the news.Happening This Week: In-Person Town Hall … Continue Reading

February 06, 2023

Upcoming Town Halls, Protecting Our Coast, Standing up for Our Region, and More

Hello Folks –February is here! That means new committee assignments, Super Bowl Sunday next weekend, and a whole lot of travel back and forth between the two Washingtons. All the while, I’m working hard for folks like you back home.OK – on to the news.Providing Valentines for VetsValentine’s Day is right around the corner and that means my “Valentines for Vets” program is back once again! We can’t ever thank our veterans enough, which is why I’m … Continue Reading

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